Booking an event with Lindsay Galvin

Here you’ll find everything you need to know about an event with Lindsay Galvin.

Whether you’re looking for an in-person author visit, something hosted online, or have a festival or something else entirely in mind, Lindsay is well-rehearsed to inspire her core reading audience of Key Stage 2 and 3, age 7 to 14, but also loves speaking to groups of all ages.

Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about the event types that Lindsay offers, expected costs, and how to get that booking nailed down.

When you’ve decided on the type of event you’d like Lindsay to host or partake in, simply get in touch to start the booking process. Easy peasy!

Childrens events

Schools and festivals

assembly-style or workshop

Lindsay hosts a 45-minute assembly style presentation which addresses a large group in a hall or large venue.

Utilising a Powerpoint presentation, readings and interactive elements plus time for questions, Lindsay’s engaging sessions can cover any of her titles.

There is no limit on numbers and the session can be tailored for a range of age groups from year 1 up to 6th form!

Lindsay can also host a 45-minute creative writing workshop session. This includes an introduction, professional writing tips, collaborative writing and prompt-based exercises, and supported writing time.

What’s more, Lindsay can also provide feedback (at a later date) on the best of the written work produced in the session, if desired!

Digital author session

Hosted over Zoom, Teams, or Google Meet, Lindsay’s digital author sessions are extremely popular.

They can be tailored to a particular book or her latest book, touching on the others.

Lindsay’s online events are an interactive experience delving deeper into her books, with questions and a live quiz. There is insights into her writing process and teachers particularly enjoy when she shares how important editing is to an author’s finished book. She even shares some of her own copyedits!

You’ll hear Lindsay read one of her favourite passages, discover historical artefacts, be able to interact with Lindsay in a tangible way, and your pupils can ask any of the burning questions we’re sure they’ll have.

Adult and mixed events

Lindsay is available as a guest speaker, and runs workshops for adults.

These include: 6th form careers events, adult writing workshops, presentations to creative writing prostgraduates.

Topics include:

  • Creative careers

  • Writing and Mental Health (ADHD and anxiety focus)

  • Children’s literature writing craft - all topics from research to editing

  • How to get published

And much more - please contact for more information.

Event fees

  • If you’d like Lindsay to visit your school, she can offer the assembly-style session, as well as the workshop-style session. You can ‘build your own’ package depending on whether you’d like several assembly sessions, several workshop sessions, or a mix of both.

    A full day visit includes:

    – Four 45 minute sessions (workshop or assembly) between 9am and 3:30pm

    – Opportunity for your students to meet Lindsay, and have books etc. signed outside these sessions.

    The cost for a full day visit is £700

    Please contact to see if you qualify for a discount

  • A haIf-day visit is only available for schools in Lindsay’s catchment area (50 miles from Seaford, Sussex) or as part of a suite of events in one area.

    You can ‘build your own’ package depending on whether you’d like several assembly sessions, several workshop sessions, or a mix of both.

    A half day visit includes:

    – Two 45 minute sessions (workshop or assembly), between either 9am to 12pm, or 12:30pm to 3:30pm

    – Opportunity for your students to meet Lindsay, and have books etc. signed

    The cost for a half day visit is £400

    Please contact to see if you qualify for a discount

  • Hosted over Zoom or Teams, Lindsay’s digital author sessions last for 40 minutes, and cost £105.

Book Festivals

Book Festivals

Lindsay absolutely loves presenting to a crowd – and what crowd is better than those at book festivals! Lindsay would love to chat about speaking at your upcoming event.